1. Dissecting the Social. Peter Hedström
2. Types of Social Action. Max Weber
3. Human Motivation and Social Cooperation. Ernst Fehr and Herbert Gintis
4. De Gustibus Est Disputandum. Satoshi Kanazawa
5. The Production of Consciousness. Karl Marx
6. The Origin of Beliefs. Émile Durkheim
7. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. Ludwik Fleck
8. Play, the Game, and the Generalized Other. George Herbert Mead
9. Meanings of Violence. Dov Cohen and Joe Vandello
10. Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes
11. The Origin of the State. Friedrich Engels
12. The Types of Legitimate Domination. Max Weber
13. Learning to Labour. Paul Willis
14. Cosmos and Taxis. Friedrich A. Hayek
15. The Division of Labor. Adam Smith
16. Micromotives and Macrobehavior. Thomas Schelling
17. The Evolution of Cooperation. Robert Axelrod
18. The Live-and-Let-Live System in Trench Warfare in World War I. Robert Axelrod
19. From Ants to People, an Instinct to Swarm. Carl Zimmer
20. The Arrangement between the Sexes. Erving Goffman
21. Civilization and Its Discontents. Sigmund Freud
22. Egoistic Suicide. Émile Durkheim
23. Anomic Suicide. Émile Durkheim
24. Individualism and Free Institutions. Alexis de Tocqueville
25. Principles of Group Solidarity. Michael Hechter
26. The Emergence of Norms. James S. Coleman
27. Group Cohesion and Metanorms. Christine Horne
28. The Emperor’s Dilemma. Damon Centola, Robb Willer, and Michael Macy
29. The Attainment of Global Order in Heterogeneous Societies. Michael Hechter, Debra Friedman, and Satoshi Kanazawa
30. Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order. Ernest Gellner
31. The Peace in the Feud. Max Gluckman
32. The Web of Group-Affiliations. Georg Simmel
33. The Strength of Weak Ties. Mark Granovetter
34. Ethnic Conflict and Civil Society. Ashutosh Varshney