Organizational Transformation

It is estimated that approximately seventy percent of organizations fail in their attempts to implement transformative change. This book will help lessen that rate. Using real-world examples, Bruce J. Avolio maps four states of change that any organization must go through: identifying and recognizing, initiating, emerging and impending, and institutionalizing new ways of operating. Each state is described in detail, as are the leadership qualities necessary to solidify and transition from one to the next. These "in-between moments" are an often-overlooked key to organizational transformation. So too is the fact that organizational change happens one individual at a time. For transformation to take root, each person must shift his or her sense of self at work and the role that he or she plays in the transforming organization.
Intended as a road map, rather than a "how-to" manual with fixed procedures, Organizational Transformation will help leaders to locate their organization's position on a continuum of progress and confidently navigate planned, whole-systems change, overcoming the challenges of growing from and adjusting to watershed moments.
"In this powerful book, Bruce Avolio demonstrates why he is the top big thinker amongst leadership scholars. He knows through research and advising successful companies that leading change in dynamic organizations is a human endeavor, which happens one individual at a time. He provides critical insights to leaders to effectively navigate the transformation of individuals and scaling up organizations."—Sean T. Hannah, Wake Forest University
"This book powerfully and uniquely abandons the formulaic "how-to list," instead placing control where it should be: in the hands of the organizational leader. It brilliantly presents a progressive guide for leaders to position their organization and envision a path toward transformational change."—Thomas A. Kolditz, Rice University
"Avolio demonstrates his mastery of and uncommon ability to integrate a wide set of psychological, leadership, and organizational research streams to create a detailed and theoretically sound model of individual-within-organization transformation."—Sean T. Hannah, Personnel Psychology