Negotiating Genuinely
Award Winner
2016: IACM Outstanding Book Award
Winner of the 2016 IACM Outstanding Book Award, sponsored by the International Association of Conflict Management (IACM).

We often assume that strategic negotiation requires us to wall off vulnerable parts of ourselves and act rationally to win. But, what if you could just be you in business? Taking a positive approach, this brief distills years of research, teaching, and coaching into an integrated framework for negotiating genuinely.
One of the most fundamental and challenging battlegrounds in our work lives, negotiation calls on us to compete and cooperate to do our jobs well and achieve extraordinary results. But, the biggest challenge in a negotiation is to be strategic while also being real. Author Shirli Kopelman argues that this duality is both possible and powerful. In Negotiating Genuinely, she teaches readers how to reconcile the disparate hats that they wear in everyday life—with families, friends, and colleagues—bringing one "integral hat" to the negotiation table. Kopelman develops and shares techniques that illuminate this approach; exercises along the way help readers to negotiate more naturally, positively, and successfully.
"Kopelman's innovative approach guides negotiators to manage their emotions in a genuine and strategic way that builds positive relationships and unlocks resources. Negotiating Genuinely will enable business people to implement research-based strategies established in the field of negotiations to craft better agreements and increase profits."—Roy Lewicki, Ohio State University and co-author of Negotiation
"Shirli Kopelman invites you to revisit and rework your negotiating skills. She wants them to be more genuine. You might think, 'Genuine negotiating? Good luck with that!' But she pulls this off, compactly, colorfully, memorably, and pragmatically. This is a powerful guide that will help you redo something you do every day."—Karl E. Weick, University of Michigan and co-author of Managing the Unexpected
"All negotiators should read this little gem, which advocates, and provides guidance for, being yourself and mindfully managing your emotions in negotiation. While 'negotiation' often connotes an arms-length, competitive activity, this book shows you how to genuinely navigate 'strategic conversations.'"—Dean Pruitt, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University