Managing as Designing
Edited by Richard J. Boland, Jr. and Fred Collopy


Table of Contents for Knowledge and Money

Table of Contents for

Managing as Designing



Part One.  Managing and Designing

1.      Design Matters for Management, by Richard J. Boland Jr. and Fred Collopy

2.      Reflections on Designing and Architectural Practice, by Frank O. Gehry

3.      Rethinking Organizational Design, by Karl E. Weick

4.      Management and Design: Interaction Pathways in Organizational Life, by Richard Buchanan

Part Two.  Foundations of Managing as Designing

5.      Evolving Spatial Intelligence Tools, From Architectural Poetics to Management Methods, by Alexander Tzonis

6.      Designing for Thrownness, by Karl E. Weick

7.      People Mutht Be Amuthed, by John Leslie King

8.      In Praise of Symbolic Poverty, by Nicholas Cook

9.      Managing and Designing: Attending to Reflexiveness and Enactment, by Wanda J. Orlikowski

10.  Managing as Argumentative History-Making, by Yrjö Engeström

11.  Managing as the Designing of an Action Net, by Barbara Czarniawska

12.  Design in the Punctuation of Management Action, by Richard J. Boland Jr.

13.  Managing Design, Designing Management, by Mariann Jelinek

14.  Webs Rather than Kevlar: Designing Organizational Systems, by Hilary Bradbury with Sue Simington, Sara Metcalf, Anita Burke, Catherine Grey, Darcy Winslow, Sarah Severn, Chris Page, Denise Kalule, Catherine Bragdon, Sara Schley, Catherine Greener, Sheena Bougham, and Joyce LaValle

15.  Groundlessness, Compassion, and Ethics in Management and Design, by Joseph A. Guguen

16.  The Friction of Our Surroundings, by Miriam R. Levin

17.  Management and Design: A Historical Reflection on Possible Future Relations, by Keith Hoskin

Part Three.  Learning From Design Practice

18.  "Open Planning": Reflection on Methods and Innovative Work Practices in Architecture, by Ina Wagner

19.  "I Think with My Hands": On Balancing the Analytical and Intuitive in Designing, by Fred Collopy

20.  Decentering the Manager/Designer, by Lucy Suchman

21.  From Tangibles to Toolkits and Chaos to Convection: Management and Innovation at Leading Design Organizations and Idea Labs, by Joseph A. Paradiso

22.  (Re)design in Management, by Julia Grant

23.  Drivers Versus Designers as an Organization's Building Philosophy, by Po Chung

24.  Managing Change, by Design, by Peter Coughlan and Ilya Prokopoff

25.  Design Thinking: The Role of Hypotheses Generation and Testing, by Jeanne Liedtka

26.  The Role of Constraints, by Betty Vandenbosch and Kevin Gallagher

27.  On the Design of Creative Collaboration, by Paul Kaiser

28.  Designing the Australian Tax System, by Alan Preston

29.  Persuasive Artifacts, by Sten Jönsson

30.  Designing of What?  What Is the Design Stuff Made Of?, by Kalle Lyytinen

Part Four.  Envisioning the Future

31.  The Less, the Better, Perhaps: Learning from Music Language, by Youngjin Yoo

32.  Purposes in Lieu of Goals, Enterprises in Lieu of Things, by Jurgen Faust

33.  Designing Learning, by Paul Eickmann, Alice Kolb, and David Kolb

34.  The Managing as Designing Project Calls for a Redesign of the Research Setting!, by Niels Dechow

35.  Design and Designability, by Rikard Stankiewicz

36.  Public Policy as a Form of Design, by Bo Carlsson

37.  Toward a Design Vocabulary for Management, by Richard J. Boland Jr. and Fred Collopy

