Table of Contents
Forward by Andrew W. Marshall, Director of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defence
1. Introduction: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives on Innovation and Diffusion, by Leslie C. Eliason and Emily O. Goldman
Part I. Culture and Diffusion
2. Heart of the Sepoy: The Adoption and Adaptation of European Military Practice in South Asia, 1740-1805, by John A. Lynn
3. Armies of Snow and Armies of Sand: The Impact of Soviet Military Doctrine on Arab Militaries, by Michael J. Eisenstadt and Kenneth M. Pollack
4. Cooperative Diffusion through Cultural Similarity: The Postwar Anglo-Saxon Experience, by Thomas-Durell Young
Part II. Managing and Controlling Diffusion
5. Reflections on Mirror Images: Politics and Technology in the Arsenals of the Warsaw Pact, by Christopher Jones
6. The Diffusion of Nuclear Weapons, by William C. Potter
7. Revolution and Counter-Revolution: The Role of the Periphery in Technological and Conceptual Innovation, by Timothy D. Hoyt
Part III. Diffusion and Military Transformation
8. Military Diffusion in Nineteenth-Century Europe: The Napoleonic and Prussian Military Systems, by Geoffrey L. Herrera and Thomas G. Mahnken
9. Beyond Blitzkrieg: Allied Responses to Combined-Arms Armored Warfare during World War II, by Thomas G. Mahnken
10. Receptivity to Revolution: Carrier Air Power in Peace and War, by Emily O. Goldman
Part IV. Diffusion in the Information Age
11. Creating the Enemy: Global Diffusion of the Information Technology-Based Military Model, by Chris C. Demchak
12. Patterns of Commercial Diffusion, by John Arquilla
13. Conclusion: The Diffusion of Military Technology and Ideas—Theory and Practice, by Emily O. Goldman and Andrew L. Ross