Table of Contents for
Inbreeding, Incest, and the Incest Taboo
List of Tables and Figures
Introduction, by Arthur P. Wolf
1. Inbreeding Avoidance and Incest Taboos, by Patrick Bateson
2. Genetic Aspects of Inbreeding and Incest, by Alan H. Bittles
3. Inbreeding Avoidance in Primates, by Anne Pusey
4. Explaining the Westermarck Effect, or, What Did Natural Selection Select For?, by Arthur P. Wolf
5. Ancient Egyptian Sibling Marriage and the Westermarck Effect, by Walter Scheidel
6. From Genes to Incest Taboos: The Crucial Step, by Neven Sesardic
7. Assessing the Gaps in Westermarck's Theory, by William H. Durham
8. Refining the Incest Taboo: With Considerable Help from Bronislaw Malinowski, by Hill Gates
9. Evolutionary Thought and the Current Clinical Understanding of Incest, by Mark T. Erickson
10. The Incest Taboo as Darwinian Natural Right, by Larry Arnhart
List of Contributors