Contributors for

Contributors for


Thomas Albrecht is Assistant Professor of English at Tulane University.  He studied with J. Hillis Miller in the Comparative Literature Program at the University of California, Irvine.

Derek Attridge is Professor of English at the University of York.  His books include Peculiar Language: Literature as Difference from the Renaissance to James Joyce; Joyce Effects: On Language, Theory, and History; The Singularity of Literature; and J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading: Literature in the Event.  He edited Acts of Literature, a selection of Jacques Derrida's writing.

Mieke Bal is Professor of Theory and Literature at the University of Amsterdam.  She has written and edited more than twenty books.  Among her most recent publications are Louise Bourgeois' Spider: The Architecture of Art-Writing and Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rouge Guide, which was awarded the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis Book Award.

Megan Becker-Leckrone is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she teaches literary theory and nineteenth- and twentieth-century British Literature.  She is the author of Julia Kristeva and Literary Theory.  Her essays on Wordsworth, Wilde, Pater, psychoanalytic and feminist theory have appeared in NLH, MLN, and elsewhere.

Rachel Bowlby was supervised by Hillis Miller for her PhD in Comparative Literature at Yale University.  She is Northcliffe Chair of Modern English Literature at University College London.  Her books include Just Looking: Consumer Culture in Dreiser, Gissing and Zola, Still Crazy After All These Years, Shopping with Freud, Feminist Destinations and Further Essays on Virginia Woolfe, and Carried Away: The Invention of Modern Shopping.

Barbara L. Cohen is Director of HumaniTech in the School of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine.  She is the author of a number of articles on the intersection of humanities and technology and co-editor of Material Events with Tom Cohen, J. Hillis Miller, and Andrzej Warminski.  She was formerly a senior editor and French instructor and translator.

Tom Cohen, Professor of Literary and Media Studies in the English Department at the University of Albany, SUNY, is author of Anti-Mimesis, Ideology and Inscription: 'Cultural Studies' after Benjamin, Bakhtin, and de Man, and two forthcoming volumes on the aesthetic politics of cinema, Hitchcock's Cryptonymies-Volume 1: Secret Agents and Volume 2: War Machines.  He also co-edited Material Events—Paul de Man and the Afterlife of Theory and edited Jacques Derrida and the Humanities.

Pamela K. Gilbert is Associate Professor of English at the University of Florida and editor of the series, Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century.  Her publications include Disease, Desire and the Body in Victorian Women's Popular Novels and Visible at a Glance, a book tracing the mapping of the social body and cholera epidemics in London and India in the mid-nineteenth century.  She has co-edited, with Marlene Tromp and Aeron Haynie, Beyond Sensation, Mary Elizabeth Braddon in Context.  She has also edited the collection Imagined Londons.

James R. Kincaid, sometime fashion model and professional jockey, is now temporarily Aerol Arnold Professor at the University of Southern California, where he has settled in happy and undetected.

John P. Leavey, Jr. is Professor and Chair of the Department of English at the University of Florida.  He is the author of Glassary and has translated several texts of Derrida.  He is currently at work on a book on occasionality within translation theory.

Juliet Flower McCannell is Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Irvine.  She is the author of a number of critical books, including Figuring Lacan, The Regime of the Brother, and The Hysteric's Guide to the Future Female Subject.  In addition, she has edited or co-edited several critical collections, including Thinking Bodies, Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary and The Other Perspective in Gender and Culture.  She is currently at work on critical reflections on space in art, film, and literature.

Arkady Plotkitsky is Professor of English and Director of the Theory and Cultural Studies Program at Purdue University.  His most recent books are The Knowable and the Unknowable: Modern Science, Nonclassical Thought, the 'Two Cultures' and a collection of essays, Idealism Without Absolute: Philosophy and Romantic Culture, co-edited with Tilottama Rajan.  His book Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy is scheduled to appear in 2004-2005.  He is currently completed a book-length project on British Romanticism, Minute Particulars: Romanticism, Science, and Epistemology.

Nicholas Royle is Professor of English at the University of Sussex.  His books include Telepathy and Literature: Essays on the Reading Mind, After Derrida, The Uncanny, Jacques Derrida, and (with Andrew Bennett) An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory.  He is editor of Deconstructions: A User's Guide and joint editor of the Oxford Literary Review.

Julian Wolfreys is Professor of English at the University of Florida.  His books include Occasional Deconstructions, Writing London Vol. II: Memory, Spectrality, Materiality, and Thinking Difference: Critics in Conversation.  He is the editor of an edition of Richard Marsh's novel, The Beetle, and Glossalalia.