Globalization in Everyday Life

Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, Hung Cam Thai, series editors
Marcela Maxfield, SUP editor

As global forces undeniably continue to change the politics and economies of the world, we need a more nuanced understanding of what these changes mean in our daily lives. Significant theories and studies have broadened and deepened our knowledge on globalization, yet we need to think about how these macro processes manifest on the ground and how they are maintained through daily actions.

Globalization in Everyday Life foregrounds ethnographic examination of daily life to address issues that will bring tangibility to previously abstract assertions about the global order. This series employs three central approaches: (1) the examination of local negotiations of global forces; (2) the mapping of everyday operations of the institutions, systems, and spaces of globalization; and (3) the analysis of various mediums of global exchanges. Moving beyond mere illustrations of global trends, books in this series should underscore mutually constitutive processes of the local and global by finding unique and informative ways to bridge macro- and microanalyses. We seek books that combine rich theoretical and empirical treatments, and that can speak across various disciplines including anthropology, communications, cultural studies, environmental studies, political science, and sociology. This series will be a high-profile outlet for books that offer accessible readership, innovative approaches, instructive models, and analytic insights to our understanding of globalization.

Editorial Board: Héctor Carrillo, Jennifer Cole, Kimberly Kay Hoang, Sanyu A. Mojola, Saskia Sassen