Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators
Abbas, Megan Brankley
Whose Islam?: The Western University and Modern Islamic Thought in Indonesia
Abbott, Isabella A.
Marine Algae of California
Abel, Jessamyn
Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train
Abelove, Henry
The Evangelist of Desire: John Wesley and the Methodists
Abi-Mershed, Osama
Apostles of Modernity: Saint-Simonians and the Civilizing Mission in Algeria
Ablow, Rachel
The Marriage of Minds: Reading Sympathy in the Victorian Marriage Plot
Abou-Hodeib, Toufoul
A Taste for Home: The Modern Middle Class in Ottoman Beirut
Aboulafia, Mitchell
Transcendence: On Self-Determination and Cosmopolitanism
Abraham, Itty
How India Became Territorial: Foreign Policy, Diaspora, Geopolitics
Abrahams, William
The Unknown Orwell and Orwell: The Transformation
Julian Bell: From Bloomsbury to the Spanish Civil War
Abrajano, Marisa
Campaigning to the New American Electorate: Advertising to Latino Voters
Abrams, Herbert L.
‘The President Has Been Shot’
Abrams, LeRoy
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: —Vol. I: Ferns to Birthworts
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: —Vol. II: Buckwheats to Kramerias
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: —Vol. IV :Bignonias to Sunflowers, with index to vols. I-IV
Abrego, Leisy J.
Sacrificing Families: Navigating Laws, Labor, and Love Across Borders
Abu-Remaileh, Refqa
Country of Words
Achcar, Gilbert
Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising
Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip I.
The Business of Identity: Jews, Muslims, and Economic Life in Medieval Egypt
Adair, Douglass
Peter Oliver’s “Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion”: A Tory View
Adalet, Begüm
Hotels and Highways: The Construction of Modernization Theory in Cold War Turkey
Adams, R. J. Q.
British Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of Appeasement, 1935-39
Adams, Thomas K.
The Army after Next
Adams, Walter
The Bigness Complex
Adamsky, Dmitry (Dima)
The Culture of Military Innovation: The Impact of Cultural Factors on the Revolution in Military Affairs in Russia, the US, and Israel.
Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, and Strategy
The Russian Way of Deterrence: Strategic Culture, Coercion, and War
Adamson, Matthew
[Translated by]
In Other Words: Essays Toward a Reflexive Sociology
Adelman, Jeremy
Republic of Capital: Buenos Aires and the Legal Transformation of the Atlantic World
Adkins, Lisa
The Time of Money
Adly, Amr
Cleft Capitalism: The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt
Adorno, Theodor W.
Sound Figures
Problems of Moral Philosophy
The Psychological Technique of Martin Luther Thomas’ Radio Addresses
Adorno, Theodor
Metaphysics: Concept and Problems
Adorno, Theodor W.
Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Adorno, Theodor
Can One Live after Auschwitz?: A Philosophical Reader
Agamben, Giorgio
Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life
The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics
The Man Without Content
Potentialities: Collected Essays in Philosophy
The Open: Man and Animal
The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans
"What Is an Apparatus?" and Other Essays
The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath
The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government
The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life
Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty
Pilate and Jesus
Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm
The Use of Bodies
The Fire and the Tale
The Mystery of Evil: Benedict XVI and the End of Days
The Omnibus
Homo Sacer
What Is Philosophy?
Karman: A Brief Treatise on Action, Guilt, and Gesture
What Is Real?
Creation and Anarchy: The Work of Art and the Religion of Capitalism
Agamben, Giorgio
Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media
Agarossi, Elena
Stalin and Togliatti: Italy and the Origins of the Cold War
Agevall, Ola
The Max Weber Dictionary: Key Words and Central Concepts, Second Edition
Aggarwal, Vinod
The Strategic Dynamics of Latin American Trade
Agnon, S. Y.
The Parable and Its Lesson: A Novella
Agrawal, Arun
Regional Modernities: The Cultural Politics of Development in India
Ahearne, Jeremy
Michel de Certeau: Interpretation and Its Other
Ahmed, Hussam R.
The Last Nahdawi: Taha Hussein and Institution Building in Egypt
Ahmed, Rumee
Sharia Compliant: A User's Guide to Hacking Islamic Law
Ahmed, Siraj
The Stillbirth of Capital: Enlightenment Writing and Colonial India
Archaeology of Babel: The Colonial Foundation of the Humanities
Ahram, Ariel
Proxy Warriors: The Rise and Fall of State-Sponsored Militias
Ahsan-Tirmizi, Sonia
Pious Peripheries: Runaway Women in Post-Taliban Afghanistan
Ainley, David G.
Seabirds of the Farallon Islands: Ecology, Dynamics, and Structure of an Upwelling-System Community
Aisenberg, Andrew R.
Contagion: Disease, Government, and the ‘Social Question’ in Nineteenth-Century France
Ait Idir, Mustafa
Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantanamo
Akhtar, Ali Humayun
1368: China and the Making of the Modern World
Akın, Yiğit
When the War Came Home: The Ottomans' Great War and the Devastation of an Empire
Al-Bulushi, Samar
War-Making as Worldmaking: Kenya, the United States, and the War on Terror
Al-Nakib, Farah
Kuwait Transformed: A History of Oil and Urban Life
Alacevich, Michele
The Political Economy of the World Bank: The Early Years
Alagappa, Muthiah
Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia: The Quest for Moral Authority
Asian Security Practice: Material and Ideational Influences
Coercion and Governance: The Declining Political Role of the Military in Asia
Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features
Civil Society and Political Change in Asia: Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space
The Long Shadow: Nuclear Weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia
Albernaz, Joseph
Common Measures: Romanticism and the Groundlessness of Community
Alberstein, Michal
Trauma and Memory: Reading, Healing, and Making Law
Albert, Georgia
[Translated by]
The Man Without Content
Albert, Georgia
Selected Writings
Albrecht, Thomas
Selected Writings
Alden, Dauril
The Making of an Enterprise: The Society of Jesus in Portugal, Its Empire, and Beyond, 1540-1750
Aldrich, Howard E.
Organizations and Environments
Alegría, Fernando
Allende : A Novel
Aleinikoff, T. Alexander
The Arc of Protection
Alekna, John
Seeking News, Making China: Information, Technology, and the Emergence of Mass Society
Alexander, Amir R.
Geometrical Landscapes: The Voyages of Discovery and the Transformation of Mathematical Practice
Alford, William P.
To Steal a Book Is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization
Alianov-Rautenberg, Viola
No Longer Ladies and Gentlemen: Gender and the German-Jewish Migration to Mandatory Palestine
Aliber, Robert
Your Money and Your Life: A Lifetime Approach to Money Management
Allan, Diana
Refugees of the Revolution: Experiences of Palestinian Exile
Allee, Mark A.
Law and Local Society in Late Imperial China: Northern Taiwan in the Nineteenth Century
Allen, Elizabeth Cheresh
Beyond Realism: Turgenev’s Poetics of Secular Salvation
Allen, Elizabeth Cheresh
A Fallen Idol Is Still a God: Lermontov and the Quandaries of Cultural Transition
Allen, Lori
The Rise and Fall of Human Rights: Cynicism and Politics in Occupied Palestine
A History of False Hope: Investigative Commissions in Palestine
Allen, W. David
Criminals and Victims
Alliston, April
Virtue’s Faults: Correspondences in Eighteenth-Century British and French Women’s Fiction
Allswang, John M.
The Initiative and Referendum in California, 1898-1998
Alon, Yoav
The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithqal al-Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan
Alpaslan, Can
Swans, Swine, and Swindlers: Coping with the Growing Threat of Mega-Crises and Mega-Messes
Alroey, Gur
An Unpromising Land: Jewish Migration to Palestine in the Early Twentieth Century
Altan, Selda
Chinese Workers of the World: Colonialism, Chinese Labor, and the Yunnan–Indochina Railway
Altman, Ida
Transatlantic Ties in the Spanish Empire: Brihuega, Spain, and Puebla, Mexico, 1560-1620
Amanat, Abbas
Shari’a: Islamic Law in the Contemporary Context
Is There a Middle East?: The Evolution of a Geopolitical Concept
Amar, Paul
The Tropical Silk Road: The Future of China in South America
Amara, Ahmad
Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev
Amerika, Mark
My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence
Amert, Susan
In a Shattered Mirror: The Later Poetry of Anna Akhmatova
Amith, Jonathan D.
The Möbius Strip: A Spatial History of Colonial Society in Guerrero, Mexico
Amoss, Pamela T.
Other Ways of Growing Old: Anthropological Perspectives
Amsler, Lisa Blomgren
Dispute System Design: Preventing, Managing, and Resolving Conflict
Amzi-Erdogdular, Leyla
The Afterlife of Ottoman Europe: Muslims in Habsburg Bosnia Herzegovina
Anagnost, Ann
Global Futures in East Asia: Youth, Nation, and the New Economy in Uncertain Times
Anderer, Paul
Literature of the Lost Home: Kobayashi Hideo—Literary Criticism, 1924-1939
Andersen, Margaret L.
Moving from the Margins: Life Histories on Transforming the Study of Racism
Anderson, Aaron
Engaging Resistance: How Ordinary People Successfully Champion Change
Anderson, Betty S.
A History of the Modern Middle East
Anderson, Judith H.
Words That Matter: Linguistic Perception in Renaissance English
Anderson, Mark
From Boas to Black Power: Racism, Liberalism, and American Anthropology
Anderson, Martin
Galana: Elephant, Game Domestication, and Cattle on a Kenya Ranch
Anderson, Patrick
The Economics of Business Valuation: Towards a Value Functional Approach
Anderson, Terry L.
The Not So Wild, Wild West: Property Rights on the Frontier
Anderson, Terry L.
Self-Determination: The Other Path for Native Americans
Accounting for Mother Nature: Changing Demands for Her Bounty
Andersson, Jenny
The Library and the Workshop: Social Democracy and Capitalism in the Knowledge Age
Andreas, Joel
Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China's New Class
Andrew, Christopher
Comrade Kryuchkov's Instructions: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations, 1975-1985
Anesko, Michael
Monopolizing the Master: Henry James and the Politics of Modern Literary Scholarship
Ang, Soon
Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures
CQ: Developing Cultural Intelligence at Work
Angevine, Robert G.
The Railroad and the State: War, Politics, and Technology in Nineteenth-Century America
Anhalt, Emily Katz
Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny
Anidjar, Gil
‘Our Place in al-Andalus’: Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab Jewish Letters
The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy
Semites: Race, Religion, Literature
Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro
The Slow Boil: Street Food, Rights and Public Space in Mumbai
Ankersmit, F. R.
Aesthetic Politics: Political Philosophy Beyond Fact and Value
Historical Representation
Political Representation
Ankersmit, F.R.
Sublime Historical Experience
Ankersmit, Frank
Re-Figuring Hayden White
Annamalai, E.
Protestant Textuality and the Tamil Modern
Ansell-Pearson, Keith
Beyond Good and Evil / On the Genealogy of Morality: Volume 8
Anspach, Mark R.
Oedipus Unbound: Selected Writings on Rivalry and Desire
Antaramian, Richard E.
Brokers of Faith, Brokers of Empire: Armenians and the Politics of Reform in the Ottoman Empire
Anton, Saul
[Translated by]
The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus
Apel, Thomas
Feverish Bodies, Enlightened Minds: Science and the Yellow Fever Controversy in the Early American Republic
Apostolidès, Jean-Marie
The Metamorphoses of Tintin: or Tintin for Adults
Arai, Andrea Gevurtz
The Strange Child: Education and the Psychology of Patriotism in Recessionary Japan
Arai, Andrea
Global Futures in East Asia: Youth, Nation, and the New Economy in Uncertain Times
Arathorn, David W.
Map-Seeking Circuits in Visual Cognition: A Computational Mechanism for Biological and Machine Vision
Aravena, Francisco Rojas
Strategic Balance and Confidence Building Measures in the Americas
Archer, John Michael
Sovereignty and Intelligence: Spying and Court Culture in the English Renaissance
Archer, John Michael
Old Worlds: Egypt, Southwest Asia, India, and Russia in Early Modern English Writing
Arendt, Hannah
Reflections on Literature and Culture
Arkin, Kimberly A.
Rhinestones, Religion, and the Republic: Fashioning Jewishness in France
Armony, Ariel C.
The Dubious Link: Civic Engagement and Democratization
Arnold, Helen
[Translated by]
Figures of the Thinkable
Arnold, Jeremy
Across the Great Divide: Between Analytic and Continental Political Theory
Arnold, Taylor
Layered Lives
Arnson, Cynthia J.
Comparative Peace Processes in Latin America
Arnson, Cynthia
In the Wake of War: Democratization and Internal Armed Conflict in Latin America
Aronowicz, Annette
Jews and Christians on Time and Eternity: Charles Péguy’s Portrait of Bernard-Lazare
Arrom, Silvia Marina
The Women of Mexico City, 1790-1857
Arrow, Kenneth J.
Education in a Research University
Arsić, Branka
The Passive Eye: Gaze and Subjectivity in Berkeley (via Beckett)
Passive Constitutions or 7 1/2 Times Bartleby
Arum, Richard
Stratification in Higher Education: A Comparative Study
Improving Learning Environments: School Discipline and Student Achievement in Comparative Perspective
Asad, Talal
Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity
Ascher, Abraham
The Revolution of 1905: Authority Restored
The Revolution of 1905: Russia in Disarray
P. A. Stolypin: The Search for Stability in Late Imperial Russia
The Revolution of 1905: A Short History
A Community under Siege: The Jews of Breslau under Nazism
Was Hitler a Riddle?: Western Democracies and National Socialism
Asensi, Manuel
Black Holes / J. Hillis Miller; or, Boustrophedonic Reading
Ashiwa, Yoshiko
Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China
Aspinall, Edward
Opposing Suharto: Compromise, Resistance, and Regime Change in Indonesia
Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia
Aspinwall, Mark
Side Effects: Mexican Governance Under NAFTA’s Labor and Environmental Agreements
Assaf, David
The Regal Way: The Life and Times of Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin
Asscher, Omri
Reading Israel, Reading America: The Politics of Translation between Jews
Assmann, Jan
Religion and Cultural Memory: Ten Studies
The Price of Monotheism
Atlan, Henri
The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 1: Spermatic Knowledge
The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 2: The Atheism of Scripture
Fraud: The World of
Atshan, Sa'ed
Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique
Attell, Kevin
[Translated by]
The Open: Man and Animal
Attias, Jean-Christophe
Israel, the Impossible Land
The Jews and the Bible
Atwill, David G.
The Chinese Sultanate: Islam, Ethnicity, and the Panthay Rebellion in Southwest China, 1856-1873
Augé, Marc
A Sense for the Other: The Timeliness and Relevance of Anthropology
Augier, Mie
The Roots, Rituals, and Rhetorics of Change: North American Business Schools After the Second World War
Auslin, Michael R.
[Foreword by]
The Meiji Restoration
Austin, Robert
The Soul of Design: Harnessing the Power of Plot to Create Extraordinary Products
Avolio, Bruce J.
Organizational Transformation: How to Achieve It, One Person at a Time
Aydin, Aysegul
Foreign Powers and Intervention in Armed Conflicts
Azadi, Pooya
The Struggle for Development in Iran: The Evolution of Governance, Economy, and Society
Azoulay, Ariella
The One-State Condition: Occupation and Democracy in Israel/Palestine
Azuma, Eiichiro
Before Internment: Essays in Prewar Japanese American History