Index of Authors, Editors, and Translators

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Walder, Andrew G. [Editor], Property Rights and Economic Reform in China
Waldrop, Rosmarie [Translated by], The Little Book of Unsuspected Subversion
Waley, Arthur [Author], The Opium War Through Chinese Eyes
Walker, Henry A. [Author], Building Experiments: Testing Social Theory
Walker, Stephen G. [Author], U.S. Presidents and Foreign Policy Mistakes
Walters, Stephen J.K. [Author], Boom Towns: Restoring the Urban American Dream
Walton, Michael [Editor], Culture and Public Action
Wang, Ge [Author], Artful Design
Warshaw, Shirley Anne [Author], The Co-Presidency of Bush and Cheney
Wasserman, Ilene C. [Author], Peer Coaching at Work: Principles and Practices
Watson , James L. [Editor], SARS in China: Prelude to Pandemic?
Weaver, Stewart A. [Author], The Hammonds: A Marriage in History
Webb, David [Translated by], Religion
Weber, Samuel [Author], The Legend of Freud: Expanded Edition
           Religion and Media
Weiler, Peter [Author], British Labour and the Cold War
Weiner, Charles [Editor], Robert Oppenheimer
Weisbrode, Kenneth [Editor], The Paradox of a Global USA
Weiss, Jonathan [Author], Irène Némirovsky : Her Life and Works
Wells, Wyatt [Author], Permanent Revolution
Wenger, Andreas [Editor], Deterring Terrorism: Theory and Practice
Western, Mark [Editor], Reconfigurations of Class and Gender
Wheeler, Samuel C. [Author], Deconstruction as Analytic Philosophy
Wheeler, Winslow T. [Author], Military Reform
Wheeler, Winslow T. [Editor], America’s Defense Meltdown
Wherry, Frederick F. [Editor], The Cultural Wealth of Nations
White, James W. [Author], The Sokagakkai and Mass Society
White, Joshua M. [Author], Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean
Whiting, Allen S. [Author], China Crosses the Yalu
           Observations on Modernity
Widmer, Ellen [Editor], Writing Women in Late Imperial China
Wiggins, Ira L. [Author], Flora of the Galapagos Islands
Willan, Claude [Author], Text Technologies: A History
Wills, David [Author], Prosthesis
Wills, David [Author], Matchbook: Essays in Deconstruction
Wilson, Charis [Foreword by], Grains of Sand: Photographs by Marion Patterson
           The New States of Abortion Politics
Winfree, Jason [Author], 15 Sports Myths and Why They’re Wrong
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey [Translated by], Gramophone, Film, Typewriter
           Files: Law and Media Technology
Wohlstetter, Roberta [Author], Pearl Harbor: Warning and Decision
Wolf, Arthur P. [Author], Incest Avoidance and the Incest Taboos
Wolf, Arthur P. [Editor], Studies in Chinese Society
           Women and the Family in Rural Taiwan
Wolff, Larry [Editor], The Anthropology of the Enlightenment
Wolff, Tobias [Introduction by], Five Plays
Wollaeger, Mark A. [Author], Joseph Conrad and the Fictions of Skepticism
Wolski, Nathan [Translated by], The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Ten
           Zohar Complete Set
Wright, Arthur F. [Author], Buddhism in Chinese History
Wright, Arthur F. [Editor], Confucian Personalities
           The Confucian Persuasion
Wright, Ben [Editor], The American Yawp
           The American Yawp
Wright, Daniel [Author], The Grounds of the Novel
Wright, Gavin [Editor], The Mosaic of Economic Growth
Wutz, Michael [Translated by], Gramophone, Film, Typewriter